Ventotene Island (known as Isola di Ventotene in Italian) is part of the province of Latina and is located off the coast of Lazio and Campania (Lat 40°47’49″20 N / Long 13°25’55″56 E).

Boats from Formia

The main port from which visitors can reach the island is that of Formia, where hydrofoils and ferries operated by the Laziomar maritime company set sail (, providing the public transport service to Ventotene with at least 2 daily connections.

Ticket Office at Formia: (+39) 0771-267098
Ticket Office at Ventotene: (+39) 0771-85253
Check the sea conditions

During the summer – from 1st June till 10th September, on fridays, saturdays and sundays – a connection is also available from Molo Beverello in the Port of Naples. Please visit the SNAV website ( for all information on the connections available.

Arriving by plane

The nearest airports are those of Rome ( and Naples (, from which visitors can continue their journey by train or taxi to reach the Port of Formia.
Mr. Bruno Valerio – (+39) 333-3560985 – offers a rental service with driver, for transfers to and from the Rome and Naples airports in a comfortable van.

From plane to train

Rome Fiumicino Airport: Leonardo Express (€ 14 / 32′) from Fiumicino Airport to Termini Station
Rome Ciampino Airport: several shuttle buses to Termini Station (€ 4 / 45′)
Naples Airport: “Alibus” to the Central Station at Piazza Garibaldi (€ 4 / 20′)

Arriving by train

Visitors will find it particularly convenient to reach Formia by train.

Trains run every hour from Rome and Naples ( The journey takes about 1 hour, followed by a 10 minute walk or a short taxi ride that will cost approximately €15 to reach the embarkation point.

Parking in Formia

Ventotene Island is a naturalistic paradise with narrow roads and very limited traffic circulation during the summer. If you are driving, we invite you to leave your car in Formia before boarding the ferry. A parking service with pickup/delivery and safekeeping of your vehicle in a secure parking garage is available at the Port of Formia.

Covered parking

The cost of the service ranges from €10 to €12 per day, available by contacting Mr. Gilberto Bartolomeo: 388-4256478(+39) 334-9992512.

Outdoor parking

The cost of the service is €8 per day, available by contacting Parcheggio Portuense: (+39) 339-8188257.

Arriving by boat

Ventotene’s Protected Marine Area is divided into three zones, characterised by different degrees of protection. For accurate and updated information, please contact the Reserve office: (+39) 0771-854226 / (+39) 0771-854061) /

On the Island, it is possible to dock in the two adjacent ports: at Porto Nuovo, Antonio Langella (349-8679739), or on the floating dock ( / (+39) 348-2525982 / (+39) 347-5596662) or at Porto Romano at the quay (FB: Diving Ciro Sub / (+39) 0771-85122), both equipped with moorings with water, light and ancillary services.

During the day, large vessels must dock at Porto Nuovo at the main quay, away from the ferry and hydrofoil landing points. Vessels in transit are required to pay the municipality of Ventotene a daily waste disposal fee, proportional to the size of the boat and a sewage collection service is provided. In Porto Nuovo a petrol station is also available – infos at (+39) 338-3493833.

Making your way around the Island by taxi

If you need to make your way around the island by car, or if the accommodation where you are staying does not provide for luggage transport from the port, you can contact Marco, the only authorised NCC (private driver service) on the island, calling (+39) 346-0337381.